ACID holds pre-1914 rights on the Sacramento River. The District’s surface water supply entitlement provides for up to 125,000 acre-feet of water per year from April 1 through October 31; 121,000 acre-feet is considered base supply and 4,000 acre-feet is Central Valley Project supply. During dry years this supply may be significantly less.

2023 Contract
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation announces Non-Critical Year, making the full contract amount available for 2023.
Learn More


Click here for the California Department of Water Resources Delta Conveyance Project

DROUGHT Information

The ACID Board of Directors have adopted an emergency resolution regarding the 2022 irrigation season. Please click here to view document.


Integrated Regional Water Management Program

Groundwater Production Element Project Augment surface water supplies by installing and operating two groundwater production wells, improving the flexibility and reliability of the District’s water supply, particularly during dry and critically dry water years.

Natural Rearing Structures for Endangered Winter-run Salmon Deposited n Sacramento River

Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District partnered with other Sacramento River Settlement Contractors (SRSC), an ecological foundation and federal agencies to create critical rearing habitat in the Sacramento River.

Sacramento River Gravel Project Improves Spawning Habitat for Endangered Winter-run Chinook Salmon

About 8,000 tons of gravel – enough to cover 10 football fields – was added to the upper regions of the Sacramento River to create spawning sites for endangered winter-run Chinook salmon.


Since 2008 the District has focused on necessary repairs and improvements to its laterals and conveyance structures; click here for a summary of completed and proposed projects.


Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District pursues numerous avenues to ensure continued dependability and value for customers. In addition to protecting our historic water rights on the Sacramento River, the District maintains a rigorous maintenance schedule for the canal, laterals, pumps and equipment, as well as a capital projects program that wisely invests revenue into assets that ensure water is delivered on time.


The Natural Resources Conservation Service may have funding available for ACID customers for system improvements. The phone number for further information is 530-226-2577.